News & Events

  • Changes for Fresno County Jail Prisoners

    October, 2015

    Fresno County Jail prisoners should soon receive dramatically improved healthcare, disability accommodations, and protection from violence as a result of a settlement agreement filed in federal court.  The Prison Law Office, Cooley LLP, and Disability Rights California filed a class action lawsuit about dangerous jail conditions in 2011, and after extensive litigation and settlement negotiations, agreed on a detailed 22-page Remedial Plan that will address all of the claims in the lawsuit.  Plaintiffs’ Counsel and court experts will monitor the County’s compliance with the Plan for the next four years.

  • San Bernardino County Jail Investigation

    October, 2015

    In response to scores of complaints from San Bernardino County Jail prisoners, the Prison Law Office conducted an extensive investigation into jail conditions in that county.  The Prison Law Office then notified the San Bernardino Sheriff that jail staff were injuring prisoners through excessive force, discriminating against prisoners with disabilities, failing to provide adequate healthcare, and failing to protect prisoners from violence from other prisoners.  The Prison Law Office is now working with the Sheriff and other County officials on a plan to address these dangerous jail conditions.

  • Governor Brown Signs SB 261 into Law

    October, 2015

    Governor Brown signed SB 261 into law, extending Youth Offender Parole up to age 23. Thousands of young adults in California prisons now have a real chance at coming home. Senate Bill 261 extends youth parole through age 22, recognizing that young people deserve a second chance. It builds on the capacity of young people to turn their lives around and not be defined by the worst thing they have ever done. Please see Youth Offender Parole Guide  for more information about this law.

  • Building Awareness of Transgender Inmates

    October, 2015

    Prison Law Office has been corresponding with a number of transgender people in California prisons.  We hope to better understand and help advocate for safer conditions.  We will continue to learn from transgender people in prison about issues they are facing and work with them on acknowledging and enforcing their rights under federal law and the Prison Rape Elimination Act national standards.

  • Under Proposed Settlement, Fresno County Prisoners Will No Longer Be Denied Adequate Health Care

    May, 2015

    In a case against the Fresno Jail, the Prison Law Office, Cooley LLP, and Disability Rights California filed a settlement agreement today that addresses dangerous conditions for prisoners.
