Media Exposes Abuse in Arizona Prisons
August, 2014
Channel 12 News has broadcast two detailed reports on the appalling lack of medical and mental health care in the Arizona Prisons. View the May 22, 2014 Investigative Report and the August 1, 2014 Investigative Report.
Centers for Disease Control Recommends Testing Prisoners for Valley Fever
July, 2014
The Centers for Disease Control has conducted a study and issued a Report on reducing Valley Fever infections among California prisoners.
33,000 Arizona Prisoners Now Can Sue State Over Health Care, Solitary Confinement
June, 2014
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit unanimously ruled that a federal lawsuit, Parsons v. Ryan, can proceed against the state of Arizona on behalf of all 33,000 prisoners in the state’s 10 prisons and all future prisoners.
Federal Court Issues Order Prohibiting California from Applying Propositions 9 and 89 to Some Lifers (But Order is Stayed Pending Appeal)
March, 2014
A federal court has held that California Propositions 9 and 89 unlawfully increase punishment for life prisoners who committed their crimes before the effective dates of those propositions.
Prison Law Office Director Named a “Californian to Watch in 2014”
December, 2013
The Sacramento Bee has named Prison Law Office Director Donald Specter a “Californian to Watch in 2014” based on his successful efforts to bring an evidence-based approach to prison overcrowding problems. Read the article.